Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Halloween Gig! Time to name the band...

The poll on the right has the first few suggestions for the band name for Halloween ... vote or feel free to add your suggestion.

So far it looks like Saturday November 1st for a Halloween rock'in good time. Details to come. 
Song requests with a Halloween theme are being considered now. Give us your idea's.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday: 27 Red Rocks at the Blues Bar!

Yesterday afternoon 27 Red took the stage at the Blues Bar in downtown MP. Trusting their instincts they decided to learn a new song the morning before the show. They wanted something appropriate for the venue so they went with Sweet Home Chicago. Their musical ability was matched by their courage to switch up on the fly like that and they nailed it. Things often happen with live performances that make musicians have to punt of the fly. It was great experience for these guys to learn something hours before performing it. The only problem I found with the performance was that it was limited to only two songs for this event. I could only upload one of the songs. I'll try and get the other one up soon.

Great job guys...keep it up. 

Here you go... sorry about the head in the way of my shot... someone's dad wanted to be front and center... and that's a good thing. 

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Waupaca Gig

On Labor Day weekend we will be playing at a private party in scenic Waupaca Wisconsin and the next evening on a private chartered boat as well. All I have for now is the name of the Band and the general information. Pete will be getting the particulars up here soon.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thank You Mike Leonard.

Here is a look back at how this whole "band" thing started...

Actually, we can blame it on a few words that Mike Leonard uttered to Ken about "just going for it" or something like that. Yea, Mike Leonard is that big shot NBC correspondent for the Today Show that does those funny spots about life.

He wrote a book that really moved the Dix family so they invited him to speak at the local book club... and get this... HE DOES it!!!

So there he is at their book club entertaining the villagers with his wit and wisdom when Ken corners the poor guy with burning questions that even the Dali Lama would have to look up before answering. Familiar with that look that stalkers get when they brush with someone of notoriety, Mr. Leonard quickly whips up some pearl of life wisdom just trying to lose this guy fast...

"Ken..." he said ,"If you have always wanted to sing on stage, just book the date and make it happen"

Ken left that night thinking about those words of wisdom from the man who figured out a way to get paid to play Wiffle Ball in his front yard. So Ken booked the bar and then called a few musicians to play in his little band. He called it Just JoeKen because Joe was the first friend that would agree to humiliate himself in public with Ken.

Turns out Mike Leonard couldn't have called it any better. The Dali Lama of life wisdom for the average guy was right on the money. People came, Ken had a blast, his friends and family admired his courage and we were good enough to get a call back. Now we get to go play music at other places for no money. Hey wait... I just realized we missed something in Mikes advice ... he got PAID to play Wiffle Ball!!! Can someone call him and tell him we have 20 more people to buy his book... we need to get Ken to corner him for more of that common man advice he whips out.

So Thank You Mike Leonard... you're our wise hero dude.

It began by Just JoeKen around.

Welcome to The Bongo Finger Blog!

This blog is one way we can keep you up to date on all that is happening with our little neighborhood band. The one that changes its name for every gig.

Yes it make is challenging to keep people informed about our modest little neighborhood party band. We never really have a consistent name for people to google... forget about tee shirts! The band name changes the moment we are done with a gig. It just started out that way and now we think its fun ... plus when we suck people can't remember who we are...

So when a new gig comes up the demanding naming process begins. This can be tough... we often don't settle on a name until we are well into the 3rd or 4th beer... we usually know we are on to a band name when someone is snort laughing or we just give up and wait for Todd to say something... 9 times out of 10 the next phrase out of his mouth becomes the name. He's genius.

So our 3 fans have to stay in close touch to know what is going on with us.... wait... is Katie a fan??? ... Make that our two fans have to work hard to know where we will be and what the new name is.
Here are the names we have preformed (word use very loosely) under:

Just JoeKen
Station 12
Petty Cash
Liquid Courage
Tommy Guensfelder and the Fire Breathing Hamsters
South of 80

and the next gig.... $5 Dollar Gas!

Details for the two fans can be found here soon.